Do You Own A Furnished Tourist Type Of Service Apartment In Hong Kong?
Do you want to transform your apartment short term lease type of service apartment into a furnished type of service apartment or do you want to occasionally rent your type of service apartment for a short period? Find all the info. You can ask all your questions relating to furnished tourist apartment short term lease type of service apartment on solicitations.Hong Kong. An appropriate written response will be sent to you within a maximum of 15 days.
A Furnished Tourist Type Of Service Apartment
It is a short-term rental apartment short term lease type of service apartment formula for transient customers who do not do not take up residence there. Furnished rental apartment three bedroom type of service apartments made in accordance with the law of July 6, 1989 (one-year or 9-month lease for students) are not subject to the regulations on furnished tourist type of service apartment. The apartment three bedroom therefore does not require any prior administrative procedure with the City of Hong Kong.
The apartment three bedroom places are essentially by the night or by the week, have particularly developed in Hong Kong, in particular due to the increase in offers via the internet, to the long term lease apartment detriment of the stock of main residences. In some Hong Kongian arrondissements (particularly in the center and west), furnished tourist rental long term lease apartment type of service apartments can represent up to 20% of the overall rental type of service apartment supply.
The Price
The long term lease apartment prices observed are close to those of the hotel sector, i.e. a level between double and triple the price of traditional rental type of service apartments. In fact, this pet friendly serviced apartment phenomenon causes both a decrease in the traditional private rental type of service apartment supply and an increase in the cost of housing, both for rental type of service apartment and purchase.
If your pet friendly serviced apartment type of service apartment is your main residence, you can rent it furnished for a short period within the limit of 120 days per year, after having submitted a declaration of tourist pet friendly serviced apartment type of service apartment online.
The Tenants Must Have Obtained The Written Agreement Of Their Landlord
If service apartment pet friendly is a social housing, furnished tourist rental type of service apartment, strictly prohibited, exposes the tenant to the termination of the service apartment pet friendly lease, in addition to financial penalties. Do you own a furnished tourist type of service apartment in Hong Kong? Do you want to transform your service apartment pet friendly type of service apartment into a furnished type of service apartment or do you want to occasionally rent your type of service apartment for a short period? Find all the lease apartment info..
You can ask all your lease apartment questions relating to furnished tourist type of service apartment on solicitations.Causeway Bay. An appropriate written response will be sent to you within a maximum of 15 days. A furnished tourist lease apartment type of service apartment is a short-term rental type of service apartment formula for transient customers who do not do not take up one bedroom apartment residence there.
Furnished rental one bedroom apartment type of service apartments made in accordance with the law of July 6, 1989 (one-year or 9-month lease for students) are not subject to the regulations on furnished tourist type of service apartment. The one bedroom apartment therefore does not require any prior administrative procedure with the City of Causeway Bay in Hong Kong.
Furnished Rental Type Of Service Apartment
essentially by the night or by the week, have particularly developed in Causeway Bay, in particular due to the increase in offers via the internet, to the pet friendly apartment detriment of the pet friendly apartment stock of main residences. In some Hong Kongian arrondissements (particularly in the center and west), furnished tourist rental pet friendly apartment type of service apartments can represent up to 20% of the overall rental type of service apartment supply.
In addition, the prices observed are close to those of the Apartment O Causeway Bay hotel sector, i.e. a level between double and triple the price of traditional rental type of Apartment O Causeway Bay service apartments. In fact, this phenomenon causes both a decrease in the traditional private rental type of service apartment supply and an increase in the cost of Apartment O Causeway Bay housing, both for rental type of service apartment and purchase.
You wish to rent your main furnished apartment residence in its entirety, within the limit of 120 days per year If your type of service apartment is your main furnished apartment residence, you can rent it furnished for a short period within the limit of 120 days per year, after having submitted a declaration of tourist furnished apartment type of service apartment online.
Online Declaration Of Furnished Tourist Type Of Service Apartment Please Note:
Tenants Hong Kong short term lease must have obtained the written agreement of their landlord. If it is a social housing, furnished tourist rental Hong Kong short term lease type of service apartment, strictly prohibited, exposes the tenant to the termination of the lease, in addition to financial penalties.
What Is A Principal Residence?
The principal Hong Kong short term lease residence is the dwelling occupied at least eight months per year within the meaning of the happy valley apartment Construction and Housing Code and is understood, in general, as the dwelling where one usually and effectively resides with his family. and where is the center of his personal, professional and happy valley apartment material interests. Tax domiciliation is therefore not the only objective criterion because of the happy valley apartment obligation to actually reside on site for at least 8 months and to provide material proof of this.
Formalities To Be Completed
To be able to rent your main serviced apartment hk island residence furnished for a short period, within the limit of 120 days over the last 12 months, you must:
1. Register Online
This serviced apartment hk island declaration allows you to immediately obtain a registration number . This number must be published on your rental serviced apartment hk island type of service apartment advertisements from 1 December 2017.
2. Pay The Tourist Tax
You wish to rent a furnished short term rental type of service apartment for a short period of time which is not your main residence.
Several steps are necessary before renting a short term rental type of service apartment not constituting your main residence in a short-term furnished type of service apartment, from the first day of rental type of service apartment and regardless of the surface area of the short term rental premises.
Formalities To Be Completed
1. Obtain An Authorization For A Change Of Use With Compensation
The pet friendly service apartment compensation consists in transforming commercial surfaces into housing, to compensate for the loss of living space in the pet friendly service apartment converted premises.
The applicant offers it on his own assets or on the assets of a third party who gives him this possibility for payment or free of charge. The pet friendly service apartment purpose of this compensation is to preserve the balance between housing and economic activities.
2. Proceed With The Change Of Destination Of The Premises To Hotel Type Of Service Apartment
You will find all useful information on the hong kong island serviced apartment change of destination in Happy Valley or by contacting the BASU (Reception and hong kong island serviced apartment User Service Office) of the Town Planning Department from Happy Valley.
3. Register Online
This hong kong island serviced apartment declaration allows you to immediately obtain a registration number which must appear on your rental hotel pet friendly type of service apartment advertisements from 1 December 2017.
4. Pay The Tourist Tax
You wish to rent a short-term furnished hotel pet friendly type of service apartment premises that are not for residential use To find out what the use of your premises is (residential or other hotel pet friendly use, office, business, etc.), you can consult the dedicated question on this FAQ.
If you are certain that it is indeed a premises for other use than lee garden apartment residential (commercial), it is up to you to take the following lee garden apartment steps with the City of Hong Kong:
Formalities To Be Completed Concerning Commercial Premises Within The Meaning Of The Plu
1. Request the prior authorization issued by the Mayor of Happy Valley in application of the lee garden apartment municipal regulations approved by the Hong Kong Council at its meeting of December 15 to 17, 2021
a) In Hong Kong, the rental service apartment happy valley type of service apartment of premises for use commercial property as a tourist service apartment happy valley type of service apartment is subject to prior authorization issued by the Mayor of Hong Kong since January 18, 2022 in application of Article L. 324-1-1 of the Tourism Code.
b) When the rental type of service apartment as furnished tourist studio for rent type of service apartment involves a change of destination, authorization is requested, examined, delivered and executed under the conditions provided for by the town planning code for Apartment O authorization which service apartment happy valley takes the place of, subject to that the studio for rent application is cumulatively:
c) studio for rent Applications are to be submitted on the online service “Urban planning procedures in Hong Kong” or to be sent with the form corresponding to a prior declaration or causeway bay service apartment building permit, to the City of Hong Kong – Urban Planning Department – Hong Kong.
Register Online In All Cases
This causeway bay service apartment declaration allows you to immediately obtain a registration number which must appear on your rental causeway bay service apartment type of service apartment advertisements since December 1, 2017.
What Are The Main Selection Criteria For Investing In A Student Service Apartment?
A city recognized for its student dynamics (presence of many schools, evolution of the number of hong kong short term rental students for example) Location of Apartment O service apartment (proximity to schools and universities) Presence in the vicinity of public transport and Apartment O hong kong short term rental network development projects